How to collect and submit evidence

In order for us to verify your achievement, we require evidence. What is required will vary depending on the record you are applying for and will be detailed in the guidelines you receive, but the information here will provide you with what you need to submit that evidence. Insufficient evidence can lead to attempt rejections, so please make sure you have read all details of your record carefully, and use the templates provided to help you on your path to becoming OFFICIALLY AMAZING.

Longest bicycle zip wire


Please use these templates to provide evidence for your record attempt. Refer to the guidelines section in the Guide to Your Evidence document, called the “Evidence checklist” to see what is needed for your attempt. Almost 30% of the submissions are not approved because the evidence is insufficient or incorrect. So please make sure you download and read the Guide to Your Evidence before you upload your documentation.

Guide to Your Evidence

This document contains all the important information needed to prepare you on the road to gathering and submitting your evidence.

It includes information regarding witnesses, timekeepers, stewards and the use of log books. It also has guidance for producing better video and photographic evidence. Download now

Cover letter template

A cover letter is required for ALL records. This is your opportunity to provide Guinness World Records with a clear overview of your record attempt. It’s a final summary before submitting your evidence, as it will provide a road map for our records management team when evaluating the accompanying evidence.

Witness statement template

Every record attempt requires a minimum of two witnesses. Witnesses must complete this statement.

Timekeeper statement template

Records involving timeframes or based on speed will require timekeepers to be present. Timekeepers must complete these statements

Steward statement template

For a mass participation records we require stewards to supervise groups of up to 50 participants. Stewards must complete these statements.

Endurance marathon log book template

This template is for “longest marathon” records only. Any other records that require logbooks will require you to create your own. Download now

Collection Record Inventory

This template is to be filled out whilst the assessment and count of a collection is made. It ensures all the key details relating to each item are logged. Please fill out this document in full when attempting a collection record.

Vet statement template

For animal-based record attempts, qualified veterinarians must check that the animal is healthy and old enough to participate. The attending veterinarian must fill out this form in full. Examples of how a completed form should look can be found here.

Important information if you are taking your photos with an iPhone

The default setting on an iPhone is 'Highly Efficient'. which means all the photos you take will be be in an HEIC format. Our system currently can not process this format. Before you use an iPhone to capture your attempt you must change your iPhone setting from 'Highly efficient' to 'Most compatible' That way the images will be saved in the jpeg format which we will be able to process. To change the format please follow the instructions below.