Confederate Pension Records
The agencies listed below are repositories for Confederate pension records. The veteran was eligible to apply for a pension to the State in which he lived, even if he served in a unit from a different State. Generally, an applicant was eligible for a pension only if he was indigent or disabled. In your letter to the repository, state the Confederate veteran's name, his widow's name, the unit(s) in which he served, and the counties in which he and his widow lived after the Civil War. Some repositories also have records of Confederate Homes (for veterans, widows, etc.), muster rolls of State Confederate militia, and other records related to the war.
For information on procedures and fees for requesting copies of records, contact the appropriate repository.
Alabama Department of Archives and History
P.O. Box 300100
624 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36130-0100
Telephone: 334-242-4435 In 1867 Alabama began granting pensions to Confederate veterans who had lost arms or legs. In 1886 the State began granting pensions to veterans' widows. In 1891 the law was amended to grant pensions to indigent veterans or their widows.
- Alabama Civil War Service Cards File.
- Brief Historical Sketches of Military Organizations Raised In Alabama During the Civil War.
- Alabama Confederate Pension and Service Records, 1862-1947 (at
- Arkansas Confederate Pension Records, 1901-1929 (at
- Florida Confederate Pension Application Files
- Florida Confederate Veterans and Widows Pension Applications, 1885-1955 (at
- Georgia Confederate Pension Application Supplements
- Georgia Confederate Enlistment Oaths and Discharges, 1861-1864
- Kentucky Confederate Pension Applications, 1912-1950 (as
- Louisiana Confederate Pension Applications Index
- Louisiana Confederate Pensions (at
- Indigent and Disabled Soldiers and Dependents, 1863-1868 (Series 402)
- Mississippi Confederate Veterans and Widows Pension Applications, 1900-1974 (at
- Missouri's Union Provost Marshal Papers: 1861-1866
- Missouri Confederate Pension Applications and Soldiers Home Applications (at
- North Carolina Confederate Soldiers and Widows Applications, 1885-1953 (at
- Index to Oklahoma Confederate Pension Records
- Oklahoma Confederate Pension Index Cards
- Oklahoma Confederate Pension Records
- Confederate Pension Applications, 1919-1938
- Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications: Soldiers and Widows
- Tennessee Confederate Soldiers Home Applications
- Tennessee Civil War Veterans' Questionnaires (Confederate and Federal)
- Tennessee Confederate Physicians
- Tennessee Colored Confederate Applications
- Index to Texas Confederate Pension Applications, 1899-1975
- Confederate Indigent Families Lists, 1863-1865
- Virginia Confederate Pension Applications (Veterans and Widows)
- Confederate Disability Applications and Receipts (Artificial Limbs)
- Index to Virginia Confederate Rosters
- Index to Virginians Who Served in the Confederate Navy
- Index to Confederate Veteran Magazine, 1893-1932
- Robert E. Lee Camp Confederate Soldiers' Home Applications
- Database of Virginia Military Dead
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