The Change of property manager/owner (Form 5) is used to notify the RTA there has been a change of lessor, agent or manager/provider in an ongoing tenancy. It must be completed and signed by the previous and new lessor, agent or manager/provider.
The Change of property manager/owner (Form 5) is used to notify the RTA there has been a change of lessor, agent or manager/provider in an ongoing tenancy. It must be completed and signed by the previous and new lessor, agent or manager/provider.
The Change of property manager/owner notifies the RTA of a change of property manager/owner in an ongoing tenancy.
It must be completed and signed by the previous and new property manager/owner and lodged with the RTA. If this is not possible, contact the RTA.
The tenant must then make future rent payments to the new property manager/owner.
Keep a copy for your records.
An acknowledgement letter will be sent to the tenant and the new property manager/owner.